Lucy was quiet all the rest of that day at work. She hardly spoke to her customers. When they began to chat and gossip, she stared at them blankly.

Our manager was most impressed. “Well done, Ms Molefe! You are being so professional today.”

At that, Lucy burst into tears. I put my arms around her. “I am so sorry, Lucy. I should have told you at once. Listen, you can have BK. I’m not that keen, truly.”

She shook her head wildly so her earrings tinkled. “It’s Shadrack I want! He’s the only one for me.”


I came home from an evening date with BK at the town’s only restaurant. My phone rang and it was Lucy.

“I’ve decided, Grace. I don’t care if he’s married! I am not even going to ask him about her! ’Cause obviously he doesn’t love her. Otherwise why would he be kissing me?”

“But Luce…”

“No. Maybe it was a marriage of convenience? Maybe her parents paid for his studies so he was forced into marrying her? No, Grace, I am going to enjoy every minute with Shadrack. I’m going to pretend she doesn’t exist.”

“But Luce, girlfriend, she’ll be here by the end of the month.”

“I don’t care! I’ll be his other woman. I’ll be his mistress. Anything, so long as I can be with him.”

The sickest part of all this was: I wished it was me. I wished I could be Shadrack’s other woman. Instead though, I carried on dating BK. I tried to tell myself that BK was a great guy. And for sure, we had fun together. He was a great dancer, a fascinating storyteller.

“You have a fine man, there,” Mom said. “I’m so happy for you, Grace. You deserve the best.”

BK began to say things like: “Grace, you must understand that being a doctor’s wife is no walk in the park. Call-outs, emergencies. How would you like to be a doctor’s wife? Because, let me tell you, I am getting very keen to be a certain bank teller’s husband.”

I tried to answer lightly. “Right now, I am happy being free and young and single.”

But he wrapped his arms around me. He said, “I’m serious, Grace. You and I are so good together. Don’t you feel it too?”

I said nothing. How could I tell BK that he would never, never be my soulmate? That my heart was already taken. Maybe I should just get real. Maybe this was the best offer I would get and I should be grateful. Maybe my longing for Shadrack was just a silly crush on someone I couldn’t have.

My mother has an old song she sings sometimes: ‘If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with’.

And maybe that was the best advice. I should stop dreaming hopeless dreams and live in the real world!

The end of the month came and Mrs Dube arrived in our small town. By now, everyone was gossiping about Lucy and her married man. Even Mom was horrified. And worried: “What does Lucy think she’s playing at?”


Tell us what you think: Should Grace settle for BK even though he isn’t her soulmate?