“And you, Sparrow?”

“Chatting and playing, Sir,” said Sparrow. “ESPECIALLY with Snake.”

“Right,” said Headmaster Elephant, “you like doing the SAME things.”

And he drew something – in the green part.

“Next,” said Headmaster Elephant, “what makes you happy, kids?” “When Miss lets me sit next to a friend, Sir,” Snake began to smile.

“Same-same, Sir,” clapped Sparrow.

β€œA-ha!” said Headmaster Elephant. “You both have the SAME happy place. Green!”

“All right, what makes you sad, Snake and Sparrow?”

“That Pappa says I should stay away from Sparrow, sir,” sighed Snake.

“That Mamma says I should stay away from Snake, sir,” sighed Sparrow.

Headmaster Elephant frowned. “You are both sad,” he said, “for the SAME reason – your parents don’t let you choose your friends. Green again!”

“Now then,” said Headmaster Elephant, “who do you think is the best kind of friend?”

“Someone who loves you…” began Snake.

“… even though you are different!” finished Sparrow.

“So you both agree,” said Headmaster Elephant, “that a true friend loves you no matter what. That makes FOUR ‘same-sames’ and only THREE ‘differents’. Same-sames win!”