
“You’re always tired,” he said. “Every day is a bad day for you. Listen, I have a good idea. Tomorrow, when the farmer comes, lie down on the ground. Close your eyes, and say, β€˜Moo! Moo!’ The farmer will think that you are ill. He will let you rest.” The ox liked the donkey’s idea. “Thank you, dear donkey, that’s a very good idea,” he said.


So the next morning, the ox lay down on the ground. When the farmer came, the ox closed his eyes. “Moo! Moo!” he said.
The farmer looked at him. “My poor old ox is sick,” he said. “But I must plough my field. Who will help me? Why, there is my donkey! He can pull the plough today.”


The farmer took the donkey out to his field. He tied the plough to the donkey, and began to hit him with his whip. “Go on! Faster! Pull!” he called out to the donkey.