
From up in the branches, Neo could see to the very edge of the world. And there was so much somewhere out there, that it almost scared him to think of it.

But the tree held him safe, and whispered, “Go and explore. Don’t be afraid. It’s a wonderful, big, wide world out there.”

So, Neo climbed down and went on his way across the veld.

Soon, he came across a mound of hard sand with little holes, like tiny doorways. He could hear a million busy voices inside, and the patter of six million tiny feet running about.

“Hello! Who are you?” Neo called into one of the doorways.

“Hello!” a tiny voice answered. “We are ants. We tell the stories of the world in here. Do you want to hear some?”

Neo loved stories, so he sat down and listened. The ants told their stories of the veld and the forest, and of the mountains and the cities beyond.

“So many stories?” Neo asked.

“There are as many stories as there are stars in the sky,” the ants answered.

Neo waved goodbye, and went on his way across the veld.