His lazy uncle said, “Sell the animals and buy alcohol for your grandparents. They will sleep and won’t bother you.” Muniafu was angry. He said, “Uncle, you know that I cannot sell the animals. They are the only wealth I have.”

One night Muniafu lay awake. He remembered a wise man who was believed to have solutions to all problems. Muniafu took his animals and visited the wise man. He kept a rope on the goat, sheep and pig and carried the hen.

Muniafu arrived at the wise man’s home, tired and hungry. After explaining his problem to the wise man, the wise man said, “I will help you but you must do as I say.” Muniafu replied, “I will do anything to solve my problem.”

The wise man said, “Leave the animals here and go back to your house.” Muniafu said, “But I have lived with my animals for a long time. They are the only wealth I have.”