Stella leaned against the doorpost of MaLulu’s front room and hid a yawn behind her hands, hoping no one could see her. She was dog-tired. They’d been up all last night, and now, at nine the following evening, the party didn’t look as if it was going to end before midnight. The gate opened and closed continuously like blinking eyelids. More and more people arrived in groups.
Every so often people would push past her. When they recognized her, they greeted her warmly. After a while she realized it was because she was now a sort of hero. The ‘Jabu Squad’, as they were known, had rescued Chipa and Zuki, and MaLulu was having this party to celebrate the boys’ safe return.
“Hau, Stella, why are you standing by yourself in the corner?” “Stella! Come and join us. Tell us how you did it!” The voices rang in her ears. She felt like sleeping standing up.
Then she felt Jabu’s strong arm reach for her and take her outside. She moved like a zombie, not saying a word. Jabu walked with her, past the row of houses, to his room at the back of number 79823.
“Lots of people,” she muttered, half-asleep, sliding onto a chair.
“Lots. The whole township. You know mos when they hear of a party. Most of the people there don’t even know what happened, or don’t even care. But at least we, and I mean we, all five of us, really did care. I’m very proud of you especially, Stella. That wolf whistle was something else …”
Jabu turned around. Stella had fallen asleep on the chair. He lifted her gently onto his bed and covered her with his best blanket from the top of the wardrobe. “Goodnight, skattie,” he said softly and kissed her forehead.