Carly could hear laughter on the other side of the laundry room door. 

“This isn’t funny. Let me out,” she called, slamming her hand on the wood so hard that a speck of paint flaked off and fell onto her sleeve.

“You brought this on yourself,” Crystal called through the door. 

“What are you talking about?”

“You think you’re so much better than me don’t you? Well you’re not. I’m going to teach you a lesson. My parents have gone away to Hermanus so I can keep you in here as long as I want.”

Carly listened in stunned silence. She couldn’t believe what was happening.

“I’ve put some food and water in there so you don’t starve. It’s more than you deserve. And don’t worry about keeping Taylor waiting tonight. I’ve got that covered.”

Carly realised with a pang that she had a date with Taylor later. 

She flopped down onto a basket of laundry as disappointment washed over her. She heard the front door slamming in the distance, which meant Crystal was gone.

Carly studied her surroundings. The laundry room couldn’t have been a better prison. The door was locked, and the only other possible exit was a small window, but that was securely burglar barred. 

She was trapped. 

QUESTION: How do you think Carly will escape from her prison?