Taylor picked Carly up at her house in a jet black Hummer. He sat on the back seat with his arm slung casually across the arm rest.  His clothes looked new. Carly reckoned they probably were.

Carly felt uncertain about her own appearance. Her sneakers were scuffed, and her jeans were already starting to fray at the edges.

“You look stunning,” he said, as if reading her mind.

He shot her his famous killer smile and she relaxed instantly.

The driver took them to an upmarket restaurant that overlooked the sea. 

Taylor ordered two coffees from the waitress, who Carly noticed couldn’t stop staring. In fact, most of the restaurant was staring. 

“Does this happen wherever you go?” she asked. 

“All the time. Do you know how hard it is to meet girls when they only like you because you’re famous? That’s why I like you, you’re real.”

Carly repeated the word “like” in her head.

 “You thought I was a fan when we first met,” she said quickly, to overcome her embarrassment.

He took her hand. “I want to hear everything there is to know about you.”

Carly took a sip of her coffee to shield her shaking hands. 

“Well, it all started in 1995 at Mowbray maternity …”

WHAT DO YOU THINK: Is this a case of ‘too good to be true’?