My social life as a soon-to-be twenty years old is a sad reality – and it’s about time I do something about it! I’m on that ‘spring cleaning’ tip.
A girl, especially at my age, must go out and enjoy her youth once in a while. But, oh well, that girls is definitely not Zinzi and her roommate! It even feels as if Tee and I are marooned in the desert. I mean, there’s not really much that is happening for us. And even if something does happen it is mostly things not worth writing about.
For instance, who would want to read about how enslaving school is, how all we ever do is sleep, eat and watch TV like old grannies in an old age home? Absolutely, no one!
What I’m saying is that not living at home is not as fun-filled as I had imagined it to be. Contrary to what I thought, ours is a predictive and monotonous routine! We did today what we did yesterday and that’s what we will still be doing tomorrow. Can life get any more boring than that?
I mean, we are girls with the advantage of youth in our hands yet all we do is squander the golden years of our lives sitting idly in our flat. In Tee’s case, it’s all understandable… but me; I have no excuse at all. Well, I do try my best, but dear Tee doesn’t think I need to go out. In fact, she is sabotaging all my efforts.
For example, Saturday, the girls who live in the flat above ours came to invite us to a party that was hosted by their friends who live in a nearby block of flats. A welcome party for spring!
After much thought, I agreed; naturally, Tee opted to watch the telly.
“You are too late for spring,” Tee, (AKA Mother Theresa) tried to dampen my spirits. Mother Theresa! Yeah, you heard right! I mean, she sounds more and more like my mother. Exactly like those women who wouldn’t mind chatting from dawn till dusk over a cup of tea and biscuits. Nothing could be more boring…
No, no, no – make no mistake, I’m not saying Tee is boring! All I’m saying is that she’d rather spend her Friday nights glued to the telly watching that soapie that recently made news for underpaying its actors!
Anyways, we went out although Tee was protesting against it. You should’ve seen how we marched out like a troop of scout boys on their maiden field trip! We were ready to paint the sky in all the colours of the rainbow. You know, there’s just something peculiar about the Cape nightlife; every time I step into it, it feels as if it’s my very first time! It makes me feel like an alien – mesmerized, bedazzled and completely out of breath!
Yes, it takes me a while but I eventually blend in and become one with other patrons. After some time, the night also embraces me and I feel it slide inside me like a nice fitting jacket I haven’t worn in a while. I was dancing my troubles away. And with the fucked up week of writing three consecutives tests in three consecutive days behind me, I had every reason to dance.
I got back from the party to find Tee dozing in the lounge. I’d never been happier to see someone sleeping – I really didn’t want to be lectured.
So it’s Monday, and that means we’re watching the Telly again.
ZZ xxx
Dish it: What did you do on this weekend? What can I do to get my groove back?