Rhino comes back and sits with them while they wait for the food order. They are quiet.

“Mary, are you quiet by nature, or with rage?” Rhino smiles.

“Why do you ask?”

“The way you slammed the door in my face. How you left us at the taxi stop.”

“I am not used to talking to people I don’t know. My father is strict.”

“I see. Do you have a boyfriend?”

“I am still in studying. A boyfriend is not in my plans.”

“But someday you will have one?”

“When I finish school.”

“Don’t mind my questions. I get inquisitive around a beautiful woman. When that time comes, what type of person would you like for a boyfriend?”

Mary smiles for the first time in the presence of Rhino. The appearance of her dimples drives him crazy. He shifts closer.

“Someone who does not drink or smoke, and who has true love. Handsome of course. Definitely not a player – because of STDs.”

“I hear you. Could I be that person?”

“Mmm … I don’t know.”

“I am looking for a person to give all my love to, Mary.”

When their order is called, Londi snatches the slip and leaves Rhino and Mary alone at the table. Shyness is all over Mary; she remains quiet. Rhino continues.

“Do I look like a good man, Mary?”

“I don’t know.”

“How can you not know? I am asking you.”

He takes Mary’s hand in his. Her shyness envelopes her like a cape, her eyes look at the floor.

“Mary, can you make a place for me in your heart?”

The warmth of Rhino’s hand shoots a confusing volt that runs up her arm to take over her whole body. She pulls it away.

“I’m sorry, Mary. You have a beautiful body; I wouldn’t mind looking at you forever. That is why I held your hand. I didn’t mean to startle you, forgive me.”

Mary raises her eyes to look at Rhino. She experiences her first spark of love. He is handsome, I will give him that, Mary thinks.

Londi returns with the food; Mary blushes when her eyes meet Rhino’s.

Rhino smiles and says, “Relax Mary. I won’t bite.”

Mary laughs and says, “What did you say your name was?”

“Call me Rhino.”

“Hawu! Did your parents give you that name?”

“No, it is what my boys call me. They call me Rhino because I never back down for anybody.”

Hhayi bo! Are you a thug?” Mary pulls back from him.

“Mary, I am not a thug but I do whatever is necessary to protect those I love. Do you see a thug when you look at me?”

“You can never fully know someone. The only person who truly knows a person – is that person,” Mary says.


Tell us: Why do you think Mary is changing her mind about Rhino?