What if a CV could be used for much more than just getting your dream job or even a weekend job?
What if you could use it to get yourself the best girlfriend or boyfriend ever?
I bet I’ve got your curiosity now, right?
Well, let me satisfy that curiosity. I’m talking about a Personality CV, ladies and gentleman.
It’s a crazy idea, right?
I mean, just imagine!
A CV that has all details about who you are, what you’ve done, where you’ve been and who you’ve been with in your life. Every inch of your life would be covered in there. It would even tell us about all the monies you may have stolen as a kid from your mother’s purse.
Imagine a stranger walking up to you and handing you a file. In the file would be a CV that tells you everything you need to know about that person’s personality. It would tell you who they’ve dated; why they broke up with those people; give you the numbers of all that person’s exes so you can call for further information. You wouldn’t have to wonder about things such as whether or not the person is a jealous freak, a party animal, or whether that person is telling the truth about being single or not.
Sadly, though, such a CV will only ever be a dream. No one will ever walk around carrying a document that tells us if it’s safe to date them or not.
So what’s the big deal about it, then, you ask?
Well, ladies and gentleman, we live in tough times.
Hearts are probably broken everyday throughout South Africa. People lie about being single. People lie about loving you when love is the last thing on their minds. And hearts get broken.
So what do we do?
Do we stop dating just so we can protect ourselves from heartbreak? Or, do we just wait for a miracle to happen and for the perfect guy or girl to be sent to each and every one of us?
Well, I’ll tell you one thing: time is our best friend when we use it right.
In other words, be patient.
When you meet a person you like, don’t get too excited. Control yourself. Take your time. Study him or her. Listen to the way this person talks to you and the way he or she talks to other people. There’s a reason why people say and do things. Does this person look clean and neat? Because if a person doesn’t care about their hygiene and appearance, then there’s a possibility that there are other important things they don’t care about. Basically, there are many things you’ve got to look for. No one can protect your heart better than you can. You’re the one who has to study this person and decide if they good enough for you.
And with that, ladies and gentleman, I come to the part where you have your say.
Talk to me and tell me what you think.
#ChatBack: How do you find out about the people you want to date?
What are some of the mistakes you have made because you didn’t have all the information you needed?
Share your views on Facebook too: What’s poppin’ eKasi.