“Busi why on earth do you need to buy five bags all at once?” my friend, Amber asked.

“Five bags is not even enough, sis,” I said laughing.


Hi there,

Welcome to Style Secrets.

My name is Busiswa Mahonono, some of you may be familiar with my work from blogs like Did You Know and Inspiring Tomorrow. I joined FunDza in 2020 as an intern and I am now a staff writer. Starting this blog is nerve wracking since I will be sharing some parts of my personal life with one of the closest people I work with on a daily basis, Amber Solomons. Amber is also a staff writer for FunDza.

Amber and I are from different backgrounds; she is coloured, born and raised here in Cape Town, while I am Black and Xhosa born in Cape Town but raised in different parts of the Eastern Cape. I like watching Kpop, celebrity gossip and trends. While Amber likes Turkish men, Chinese men and Turkish music. One thing we have in common though is Kdramas, comedy and the fact that we are the same age.

How did we meet?

Funny enough Amber and I met during the second year of our varsity life; we were in the same class at CPUT doing journalism. She was tall, as skinny as I was with the longest beautiful hair I have ever seen. She was mostly quiet and we didn’t get to know each other until we started our third year of varsity together. Through FunDza I got to know how amazing a human she was and she sometimes feels like a home that I have been looking for my entire life.

Why are we here?

The question I’m sure you’re asking is: what is this blog? Well personally, I love clothes, shoes and trying different hairstyles. Growing up I was been a ‘tomboy’ as they say I loved wearing boys’ clothes and didn’t feel comfortable wearing women’s clothes. I was also very skinny and barely found clothes that fit me. When I started varsity I was wearing oversized clothes that I felt needed to hide how skinny I was. I like to think that I also dressed trendy. Meaning anything that was considered a trend, I wore because I felt pressure to fit in with my peers. I thank age every day because growing up has made me feel comfortable in who I am and the way I choose to dress.

The purpose of this blog is to let you in on the way we like to dress; we are very different in our stylings. I like baggy, neutral colours with a pop of colour here and there while Amber likes flowy dresses, with flowers and summer colours. We also have different body types, which is why we have different stylings, it’s also important to us for you to know that this is not a fashion blog but a styling blog. Everyone can wear fashion but not everyone can be stylish.

We will also deal with hair; we clearly have different hair types that have different needs. So in this blog we will focus on what works for our different hairs and what doesn’t. Hopefully that will help you with your own hair journey. We will be sharing hair hacks that actually work for both our hair types and some that don’t. We will also be sharing what products, hair tools and accessories we use in our day-to-day life. We hope that you will click on our blog every week for updates.

We do not claim to know everything regarding fashion and hair, nor are we experts, we simply hope to share our everyday journey with you.

So from us to you, remember to step out in style hunny – always.


Learn how to care for your natural hair here

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