Peer pressure? It’s everywhere. We’re all faced with it some way or another. I’ve been there before too… quite too many times in fact.

Cyber bullying, in short, is being bullied through social media. In the old days, people got picked on face to face, shoved around and bullied. But being bullied behind your screen through social media is just as bad. Today, we get hurt by the words of others, rumours being spread and nasty things being said. Sometimes even by the very ones we called friends.

Peer pressure is being pressured to do the things you don’t really want to do but in fact feel compelled to do simply because everyone else is doing it. Likewise, peer pressure can also be influenced through social media. Social media was never meant to be a negative tool, but society has caused it to be just that.

There are so many benefits of social media, especially through a business point of view, social media is a great platform, and it continues to be just that. Let’s not forget the amazing advantage of being able to link up with friends and loved ones whom we haven’t seen in ages. Social media makes it possible to connect within minutes.
But there are still those negative factors about social media that are tools being used for peer pressure and even cyber bullying.

We compare ourselves to others, the latest trends, the “on fleek” trend setting, the constant likes and flame comments. But what about the person who isn’t even on Instagram or Facebook? We label them nerds. Is that fair?
Trends change. The way it was in the 70s would be ridiculous to wear now in the 20s. Likewise, don’t run after what the latest brand is, because it will change. Don’t feel pressured to get what everyone else has. Be content with what you do have.

Don’t feel pressured to be like that girl with the 1k likes, that perfect pout and bright eyes on her selfie is a “filter”. We are all beautiful and unique in so many different ways. Diversity is absolutely beautiful. Don’t cover up your freckles, embrace it! Don’t think for a minute your teeth are skew, at least you’ve got teeth so use it and smile. The Kardashian family spends millions trying to look perfect, what you see on the magazine covers is not legit. Don’t compare yourself to it.

I use to get bullied at school because of my height. I was so tiny and skinny. I would be tripped in the hallways going to class, girls would call me anorexic, it hurt and I would wish that I could be taller and gain more weight, but that’s not how I was structured and today, I am not defined by those words.

When a negative comment comes your way, delete it and never let it make you feel inferior. Yes, it hurts. But those comments, those remarks, and those nasty looks they give you do not define who you are. If you are that young girl or boy who thinks you’re not enough, let me tell you now – you are enough. You have a future ahead of you, you can do anything you put your mind to.


Tell us: How has social media affected the way you see yourself?