As we’re gearing up to Christmas day, many of us are consumed with buying presents, groceries, Christmas outfits, and reaching our holiday destinations to spend Xmas day with our loved ones.

In all the hustle and bustle that comes with the festive season, we often forget that Christmas is about focusing on other people, and giving and sharing. Showing your appreciation to those who made the year worthwhile doesn’t always involve money.

Ever heard the saying, “You can do more with less”? That’s a good motto to have as we near the end of this year and the start of the new one. There are plenty of meaningful things you can do and give to show your loved ones how grateful you are for everything they’ve done for you this year.

Here are my tips:

Write a ‘thank you note’ – Think about the nicest thing that anyone has done for you. The note will serve as a constant reminder of the good they’ve done for you which in turn will make them feel special.

Give more of your time to others – It’s easy to get lost in making sure that you’re having a blast, but this is also the one time in the year where depression rates spike up. Lend your ear to a friend, help out at home (even if it’s just doing the laundry), spend time with your siblings (or cousins if you’re an only child) and show your parents or guardians that although you’re a bit older now, you haven’t forgotten them. This is a very precious gift, give it wisely, and remember that it doesn’t cost you anything.

Give the gift of grace – For some, this year hasn’t been an easy one. There are people who probably rubbed you up the wrong way or have done you wrong in some way. Maybe you’re the one who was the one in the wrong. If there’s someone you need to forgive, or whom you need to ask forgiveness from, now would be the right time. The year will be at an end soon; it’s good to start the next one on a clean slate. Grace is that one gift you give to someone else that ends up being a gift to yourself.

Give your love – Everyone wants to feel loved and wanted this time of the year. No one wants to spend Christmas alone unless it’s by choice. Love is the universal gift. It fills you up with laughter, smiles and good times to last you right into the following year. Be loving this festive season to family, friends and strangers. Showing someone they matter easily makes their day.

In all of this giving don’t forget to give all of these gifts to yourself as well. You cannot give love if you do not love yourself, nor can you forgive if you don’t forgive yourself. Give yourself time to enjoy being you, and all the things that make you unique. Lastly, thank yourself for hanging in there, for persevering, for understanding, forgiving yourself as many breaks as you needed, and for carrying yourself through another year.

Merry Christmas to you each and all.