Once upon a time there was a young warrior Prince in a distant land in Africa. His kingdom was powerful and wealthy and had both the admiration and dread of all its neighbours and enemies. For those who did not pay due respect to the kingdom and royalty, the sword became their fate. All fell at the feet of the fierce warrior prince.

Every day he went out to make war with all his enemies and came back victorious. He came back with the heads of all who challenged him and the father-land snuggled under his arm, and their cloaks draped over one shoulder.

He was ruthless and relentless in everything that he did, and nobody could stop him from pursuing his will. He was set to inherit his father’s opulent kingdom and embraced and protected the burden and privilege of his birth-right with much gusto.

Some people said his love for the father-land and his ambition would guarantee the safety and continued success of the kingdom. Others argued that the impulsive and ambitious nature of their prince would soon land them in trouble if it wasn’t controlled. One day, the king finally passed away and everyone in the kingdom mourned. The prince was deeply disturbed. He had loved his father, but he dared not show it, lest his enemies think him to be weak and attack him at his lowest point.

Instead he made as if he was pleased that the king had passed on and that he could soon take over the throne. It made his enemies tremble thinking about what the wild prince might do with the awesome power that would soon come into his possession. Soon the traditional mourning period for the old king was over and the reign of the new king began.

The prince, now king, decided to host a huge party to celebrate his coronation. He invited all his friends from distant kingdoms and everyone from his own kingdom was invited. For three days and nights, the whole world would become silent and all of its life would be concentrated in one spot: around the huge bon-fire at the royal homestead.

The first night was brilliant. Everyone came out in all their glamour and glory. The maidens were beautiful and their dances so tempting. The young men were cheerful and merry with drink going to their head. It was a beautiful sight to see, even for the king who was normally unmoved by anything. But what really made the night was an unexpected guest who made an appearance.


Tell us: Who do you think this guest is?