Vehement anger, disgust and disappointment looms around Eunice as she stared at a gun she had just purchased somewhere in the back market. “Damn it!” she said as she struggled to load. She just needed one bullet. She was sure she would use it effectively just once, at least this would be the first thing she would do right in her life.

Finally getting fed up of pacing up and down like a madwoman, Eunice sat down and allowed her mind’s lens to scan the landscape of her insignificant and lonely life. Questions whirled round in her head as she wondered what happened to the old meek and sweet Eunice. She could feel the demons looming their heads high up viciously. She had stifled and locked them in her closet, all in the name of enduring the so called true love. Now they were threatening; making her nervous and driving her to the edge.

Maybe her friend Mandy was right when she advised her to let her emotions flow and let nature take its course. According to Mandy, it was only natural for her to be furious right now, she was a human being after all. Even the famous and strong Titanic ship did sink at some point. But obviously Mandy would have not have approved of her getting a gun. Danger was lurking everywhere in the air.

“Well this is the monster you created, Brian. You might as well face the consequence; there are no lawyers in love to defend my heart from breaking, so I might as well as get justice for my heart now.”

People had been telling her to stop whining about her so called life and start acting. She truly had tried shoving these words down her throat but it didn’t work. She had a reputation to protect. She was known for being successful, feared, respected and callous; though she felt that was extremely harsh to her character. And now with all her money, it still couldn’t bring her a perfect husband.

As she sank into the enormous black couch, she realised that fate had dealt her unjustly. Losing her boyfriend Brian was just an unexpected vicious blow, probably enough to let hell break loose in her own world. The story was supposed to last; he was never supposed to be just somebody in the past she used to see. Trouble crept up on them and before she knew it they were dust left behind. Tears of anguish cascaded down her cheeks at the thought of Brian dumping her just like that, within the wink of an eye. He tossed her aside like trash and ran off to marry Sharon within two months of her departure from Zimbabwe.

At this point she would have preferred it better if it was just a rumour that he was cheating. At least she would have dismissed it as a passing fling. But no, as much as reality hurts and sucks, he just had to marry Sharon. Little had Eunice known that accepting a two months’ holiday to South Africa would cost her true love. Well, at least that’s what she used to regard him as.

What a hell of price and sacrifice to pay.

What happened to waiting for one another as they vowed? To love transcends all borders and nothing, including distance, could tear them apart. Bittersweet it was, they were all nothing but hilarious hallucinations. At least Eunice had been decent enough to keep her part of the deal and was faithful. A month ago she bragged and went on about the brave, handsome, caring and honest mysterious Brian. All her new friends in South Africa could not be spared from the lecture of getting themselves a trustworthy and Mr Right like Brian.

It turned out she was just a pathetic day dreamer rather than Brian who was a pathological liar. Reality finally dawned on Eunice that maybe all along she had been short sighted. She allowed the stupid love to blind her to an extent of not seeing the warnings. In fact, now that she thought carefully about it, Brian must have been playing her for the entire two years they have been together. It wasn’t possible. He had pointed out to falling in love with Sharon in two weeks and rushed into marrying her. There was something amiss in his fairy-tale.


Tell us what you think: Do you brag or have friends who brag about their relationships? How do you feel about that?