After a long pause she finally agreed to get in the car. She gave me the directions to her place and we chatted on the way.

“So what kind of job are you working?” she asked.

“I am a Chemical Engineer, and you?”

“I am a pharmacist,”

“OK, that’s good,” I said.

We made small talk until we arrived at her place. I stopped the car, she got out and said while smiling, “Thank you God for sending me Given to rescue me. He has done his job very well, You can now take him back.” We both laughed.

“I don’t want you to leave me here alone. I enjoyed being with you. I wish I can be with you forever. I wish I can go with you to your home or you come with me to my place.”

“Unfortunately I can’t go with you to your place but you can come with me to my place and meet my parents and have dinner with us, then you will leave afterwards.”

I went out of the car and went straight to her and looked her in the eyes and said, “Angel, you have made my day. I know this might sound crazy but I love you. After I have met you today I realised how much I need you in my life. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk passed again?”

“I also love you. It’s just that I didn’t have the guts to tell you. And please Given don’t play me.”

“I will never do anything to hurt you. I will do anything to make you happy; you mean a lot to me. You have stolen my heart in less than 24hours. I love you, how can I break your heart? I promise I will love you till death do us apart.”

We kissed for more than 20 minutes. Nobody wanted to let go of the other. And then Angel decided to leave.

“Given go sharp, I will see you tomorrow, don’t forget our lunch neh?” she said leaving. I

“How can I forget?” I said calling after her.

I went home and I couldn’t sleep just thinking about her. I even set the date to send my uncle and aunty to pay lobola. Saturday came and I went to pick her up for our first date.

“Hey love, I’m waiting for you at your street,” I said when I called. She asked for two minutes and it felt like forever. She came wearing a white dress; she was looking stunning and awesome; like an angel. I had worn a black suit. It was like it was our wedding day.

I had woken up that morning and had gone to buy her a ring. My plan was to propose her that very day.

“Wow honey, you look so handsome,” she said with a huge smile on her face.

“Baby you ain’t looking bad yourself,” I joked and we both laughed.

“You are looking like a bride today. you are so beautiful,” I said in a more serious tone and she blushed.

We drove off to town. We picked a restaurant, ordered and ate our delicious meal. After we had eaten I knelt down and said

“Angel will you marry me?”

She was looking around as if she was looking for something and then she said, “Yes! Yes! Yes! I will marry you!”

I put the ring on her finger and we kissed. Everyone was looking at us and gave us a round of applause. We went into the car and we drove off. We were going to my place to celebrate.

“I never thought you would propose me so early. We don’t even have 24hours dating but you already want to make me your wife, Mrs Phoshoko,” she said smiling.

“Yeah they say take time to know her but for you I feel like I have known you forever!” I was looking at her beautiful smile.

“Look out!” she screamed.

I looked ahead and I saw a big truck coming to our car with in speed. When I wake up I was in ICU. They told me that I had been there for a month.

“Where’s Angel?” I asked the doctor.

“I am sorry but Angel couldn’t make it. She passed away on the day of the accident and they have already buried her and the driver of that truck has been arrested for murder.”

I cried the whole week.

They discharged me after a week. I went home and stayed alone. My little sister and my niece had come to look after me. I went outside taking a walk. All I was thinking about was Angel.

I had decided to commit suicide and go to be with her wherever she was.


Tell us what you think: Have you ever loved someone so much that you couldn’t live without them? How would you cope with the loss of a loved one?