“Okay, this is it. You’re weird and too much. Who invites a person in and locks all doors?! HUH? Come on! I want to go.”

Onesi noticed that now Steven looked overly relaxed than usual. He grabbed Onesi’s hand.

“Come in and sit here.”

He sat on his bed. Onesi was still standing. There was a laptop on a chair facing his bed.

“Which one of your buddies visits and sits on your bed?” Onesi asked.

“All of them,” joked Steven. Just then, he pulled Onesi close to him.

“Whoa Steven! What are you doing?” Steven closed his eyes,

“Give me a little kiss” he said.

“Quit fooling around and wear a shirt. Show some respect. I am a visitor for crying out loud!” said Onesi, trying not to panic at Steven’s weird behaviour.

Just then, Steven pulled Onesi on top of him. This was terrible. Onesi tried to free herself with no luck.

“Let me go!” she commanded.

Steven’s voice was low and soft but his hands firm and forceful. Before Onesi knew it, Steven rolled her over and he was on top of her. Onesi screamed.

Steven put his lips on her crying mouth and continued breathing heavily as if all was going well. Steven was just too powerful. Onesi used her whole strength to try to push him off, but it was either her arms were going numb or she had no real physical strength at all. The good buddy turned into a monster, and that was the unfamiliar truth.

Tell us: What did you think about Onesi’s story?