Nthabiseng did not know that her heart was about to be broken into unfixable pieces.

One morning, when she arrived at school, she noticed people starting at her, as if she was walking naked.

She was about to hear the news of the year: Ebenezer had had sex with another girl from her school the day before.

The pain was too much for her to bear. She felt sick emotionally, mentally and physically. She cried all day every day for her lost love, but her love for Ebenezer was now over, burned for eternity.

She never told him that it was over – she just distanced herself her him. As they grew part, it ate at Ebenezer inside. He worried about what his friends would say about him letting go of Nthabiseng without having had sex with her.

But, thanks God, Ebenezer had blown it. Beloved readers, remember that despite all the things we may do for love, some of our partners may still take us for granted. They forget: what comes around, goes around…

The End


FunDza is working to develop young South African writers and provide them with a platform to publish their work.