In Uruguay, at the city of Punta del Este, there was a Japanese man dressed in a black suit walking towards a church. There were screams of women and men coming from the building, and when the man reaches the door, the screams stopped. It was suddenly silent, and the man pushed the doors open and walked inside. There were dead bodies all over the church, on the floor and on the benches. Two creatures were standing at the front, holding a small boy who was silently crying.

The man walked towards the creatures, and when the creatures shifted from their burnt skin and transformed back to their human forms, two Japanese women were revealed. The man smiled at the boy and went down on his knees. He gently grabbed the child’s arm and studied it closely.

“あなたは小さな人を泣く必要はありません. (You don’t have to cry little one,” the man said, speaking in Japanese. “I won’t harm you. All I want is your arm, and I will let you go.”

The man looked at one of the women and nodded.

One of the women turned and faced the boy. She then transformed into a creature again, and the boy cried out loud, terrified. The creature raised its claws to chop off the boy’s arm, but the boy pulled his arm from the other woman and swung towards the creature.

The boy’s arm releases a magnificent force of air towards the creature and the man, causing them to fly off and smash on the benches. The other woman transformed into a creature too and attempted to strike her claws at the boy’s face, but the man stopped her.

“「いいえ!男の子を殺さないでください。私は彼の腕だけが欲しいのです。」(No! Do not kill the boy. I only want his arm),” the man said, raising his voice.

The creature struck at the boy’s arm, chopping it off to the floor. The creatures then returned to their human form, and the man instructed them to take the arm and leave. After taking arm, the creatures left in a hurry, leaving the boy on the floor crying and screaming in pain.


Few hours later, Brando De Sica had parked his car just opposite the church. The church was a crime scene, and the police surrounded it. There were also journalists with their cameras, taking photos, but they were not allowed to enter the church.

The bodies in the church were being put into body bags and Brando was overlooking everything that was happening. He then saw the boy, who was on a stretcher with his arm chopped off and was being taken into an ambulance. After seeing this, he made a call.

“Sono in ritardo. La creatura è riuscita a prendere il braccio del ragazzo. (I’m too late. The creature managed to get the boy’s arm),” Brando said.

“Il ragazzo è morto? (Is the boy dead?),” Galatea Pandolfi asked.

“No. Gli ha risparmiato la vita. Quanto è sorprendente? Per quanto ne so, questi Creas non hanno pietà di niente. (No. It spared his life. How surprising is that? As far as I know, these Creas don’t show mercy on anything).”

“Hai informato i protettori da quella parte? (Have you informed the protectors that side?)”

“Non ancora. (Not yet.)”

“Informali e dai la caccia a quella dannata creatura prima che lasci il paese. Non possiamo lasciare che possieda il potere di quel braccio. (Inform them, and hunt that damn creature down before it leaves the country. We cannot let it possess that arm’s power),” Galatea said, sounding unhappy about the situation.

“Non siamo sicuri se provenisse da un altro paese. (We are not sure if it came from another country).”

“Anche se viene da lì in Uruguay, sono sicuro che scomparirà da qualche altra parte. O potrebbe essere una creatura che lavora per il suo padrone. (Even if it’s from Uruguay, I’m sure it’ll disappear somewhere else. Or it could be a creature that works for its master).”

“Capito. Chiamerò di nuovo una volta che la missione sarà finita. (I got it. I will call again once the mission is done).”

Brando ended the call, then started the ignition and drove away.


Tell us: What do you think the Creas are planning to do with the powers of the children they catch?