“I honestly don’t understand why my son should attend therapy for being a sneaky, shy child,” Mr Marema said to Mrs Marema as she was getting ready to take Oitumetse to the therapist. “It’s really unnecessary. Our medical aid should be paying for serious things, not this nonsense. I hope when all of this is done, he’ll be a better person, or else I want a refund. We should have taken him to church to cast out all of these demons. Our neighbours are now laughing at us because our son is attending this so-called therapy like mad people, and he’s not mad! He’s just not man enough. Otherwise, why is he afraid of people? I doubt we’ll even get a daughter-in-law one day, this boy is useless.”

While Mr Marema was talking, Mrs Marema’s face was filled with sorrow, but she did not have energy to respond. So, instead of responding, she shut the door behind her and left the bedroom shattered. Oitumetse was waiting for her outside, and for the first time in his life, he looked hopeful and energetic, and that eased her mother’s worries. She realized that the past few days had been better for him, and the therapy sessions seemed to be helping.


“Good morning Oitumetse and Mrs Marema,” Dr Phillips, a clinical psychologist, said. “I’m impressed with the progress Oitumetse is showing. Look, I have something to tell you: many people confuse being an introvert with social anxiety. However, being an introvert is not harmful, while social anxiety disrupts the daily functionality of an individual. Therefore, after numerous sessions with Oitumetse, we have observed symptoms of social anxiety.”

Dr Phillips paused, looking at Mrs Marema and Oitumetse.

“This is why he’s experiencing psychological problems associated with fear, social isolation, and sometimes sweating,” Dr Phillips continued. “The day he collapsed at the soccer field was due to irrational anxiety, which was triggered by the fear of embarrassment and other issues I mentioned. The cause of this chronic mental health condition is usually linked to a history of abuse, bullying or being teased. Most shy kids are prone to being socially anxious, which causes this social-phobia. But don’t worry, Mrs Marema, social anxiety can be treatable through the help of medical professionals. Oitumetse is in safe hands.”


After Oitumetse’s session with the doctor, Mrs Marema organized a family meeting to explain to them what Oitumetse was going through. Fortunately, Mr Marema understood, and he asked for forgiveness and felt bad about his behavior.

“Indeed, mmangwana o tshwara thipa ka fa bogaleng (a mother holds a knife by the blade),” Mr Marema said. “My children are blessed to have a supportive mother like you, my wife, and I’m grateful for that.”

After the meeting, the Marema family spoke to Oitumetse’s Principal regarding raising awareness about various mental health conditions and prejudices levelled against them. In the end, they got to know that the misunderstood sibling was suffering in silence.


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