“Lancewood Blunt, son of Elijah Blunt, descendent of Nowarger. Climb these with me.” The king walked up a wide, winding staircase. Lance timidly trailed him.

“This is really, really high,” muttered Lancewood in terror. “It’s the top of a mountain, what would you expect,” the king griffin said sarcastically.

Lancewood looked over the edge and saw the kingdom of Yonder sprawled out in front of him, “Wow,” he breathed. “It’s beautiful.”

The griffin king nodded smiling, “It is in grave danger, the Dark Realm and the Snows threaten us like never before,” the griffin king sighed sadly. “Us griffins cannot defend it all, we have been keeping Dor-Castrion safe for centuries, but something got through — a Snow terrorist.”

Lance was confused, he felt lightheaded, “I don’t feel good. A little dizzy.”

The griffin plucked a feather, “Here, eat it and forevermore you will be able to breath at the altitudes of a griffin.” He stared hard at Lance.

“Thanks, but no, I am allergic, very allergic,” Lance muttered.

The griffin king began to laugh, “You have not had the effects of allergies since you arrived at The Aerie.”

It suddenly dawned on Lance, “You gave me a feather? You cured my allergies?” The king nodded and gazed out over Yonder. Lance took the feather, turning it over in his palm, inspecting it. He glanced up at the king griffin, who nodded.

Lance ate the feather. “Wow, what a rush!” he exclaimed in amazement. The two went silent, until, “Who’s Norwarger?” asked Lance.

“You will find out, young one, you will find out.” A loud screech sounded. “That is our cue, Lancewood,” said the king griffin solemnly.

“But you have answered none of my questions!”

The griffin king spread open his wings, “I will explain to you all things once this quagmire is defeated. Now jump aboard!”

Lance backed away and shook his head, “No! no!” The griffin tossed Lance a large bundle,

“Where did this come from? Last time I checked you didn’t have pockets.”

The griffin king chuckled and tilted his head, “You will never know.”

Perplexed, Lance heard himself wonder out loud, “Are you always so confusing?” He unravelled the bundle.

“Only to humans,” remarked the griffin king with a glint in his eye, “Unwrap my gift faster. We don’t have all day.”

Lancewood unravelled the bundle. Gold armour fell to the floor, his eyes went wide with wonder, “Why?” he humbly queried.

“When you are a hero you must wear the suitable armour.” Lance picked up the golden sword, feeling its weight.

“Get dressed young Lancewood Blunt,” the king griffin said gazing at the sprawling city, wings still at the ready.

“That city and everyone in it will die. Now for the love of the great god Moraan, climb on my gnikcuf back.”

Lance looked perplexed, he hesitantly climbed onto the griffin’s back, “Oh crap, this is terrifying,” he whined.

“Hold tight, young Blunt.”

The griffin king launched off the top of the mountain as Lancewood screamed in terror. Calm began to come over him when he saw the beautiful landscape below.

“Wow,” Lancewood was in mystified awe.


Tell us: Do you think Lancewood and the griffin king will be able to save the town before it’s too late?