“What took you so long?” whined Amber as Lance entered the room.

“About that,” Lance thought for a bit, “Little Fellow knows.”

Amber went pale, “What!” she said her voice loud and shrill.

“Relax, it’s Little Fellow. He wouldn’t tell,” comforted Lance.

Amber’s face regained colour as her voice returned to normal, “In that case…” she purred before drawing Lancewood close.

“Let the festivities begin,” whispered Lancewood in her ear.

“Little Fellow I am truly sorry,” was the first thing Lance said when he entered the door.

“No, you’re not,” Little Fellow’s grim face smiled, “But, I forgive you,” he tossed Lance a jar, “Found it.”

Lance chuckled softly, then whispered, “We actually didn’t need honey.”

Lance grimaced as Little Fellow let out an exasperated sigh, “Why not instead of lying and taking me on a random goose-chase in my least favourite place, you just tell me. Sound good?”

Lance nodded and ruffled Little Fellow’s hair, “Next time. Promise.”

Little Fellow smiled, “By the way Lancewood, a royal raven came, we are going on a trip.”

“Where?” asked Lance.

“You three will be accompanying the royal party on our trip to Dor-Castrion” The King announced when they arrived at the castle. “The mayor wanted me to officially open a new dam that has just reached completion.” The King went to the window and stared, turning serious, “You three know, first-hand, how dangerous Yonder can be.”

The heroes nodded, “When will we depart, your Highnesses?” asked Goose Goon. The King clapped and packs were brought before them.

“There’s your answer,” muttered Lancewood patting Goose Goon on the shoulder.

“Ever been in Dor?” asked Goose Goon as they neared the city.

“No, but I’ve heard things,” said Lancewood containing excitement.

Goose Goon chuckled, “Like what lad?”

Lancewood thought for a second, “The festival of Bread, the festival of Farms and the fact that every item of food is heavenly,” stated Lance.

Goose Goon threw back his head and laughed, “All ye have heard is true lad!” Lance joined in the merry laugh. “Lad, there be one more thing ye need ta know.” Lance looked at him questioningly. “Ye can smell the city before ye see it!”

Goose Goon ran ahead jumping and skipping in joy.

“He seems to have forgotten why we are here,” said Little Fellow.

Lance nearly fell off his horse, “Geez man!”

Little Fellow sniggered. “Gotcha,” said Little Fellow falling in next to Lance.

“We are here to do a job,” said Lance seriously.

“No rendezvous with Amber, you will get caught and it will hurt.” Little Fellow put a little too much emphasis on ‘hurt’.

“I’ll behave,” Lancewood chimed.

Little Fellow looked at Lancewood suspiciously, “Yeah right,” he said sarcastically as he rode off.

“He’s adorable,” rang Amber cheerfully.

Lancewood nearly fell off his horse again, “You people! Enough!” exclaimed Lance frustrated.

“My lord what bugs you? Are little boys and friendly giants scaring you?” mocked Amber.

“My job is to protect you,” said Lancewood getting serious.

Amber looked at him compassionately, “So don’t leave my side.” Her eyes glinted mischievously.

Lancewood caught her meaning and blushed, “Whatever the lady says, I guess.”

Amber rode back to the royal carriage, “Do you smell that?” asked Amber.

Lancewood breathed heavily of the heavenly fragrance, “Dor-Castrion,” exhaled Lancewood as they came up a hill and gazed over a sprawling city.

“Wow,” whispered Lance in wonder.


Tell us: What do you think will happen in the city of Dor-Castrion?