Sammy complained of pain all over his body lying in his bed. “Sorry my husband, I think we still have some painkillers,” she searched her bags for the pills and found some.

“Thank you, I worked so hard today. We now have some reasonable amount on us now,” he said giving Sarah the money.

Sarah spread wide a smile as she took the money. “Where did you get this money from?” she asked.

“The supervisor turned out to be rather generous. When I had an asthma attack he asked me why I was doing such a stressful job. After explaining it all to him he paid me double!” he exclaimed.

“That’s good news, may God continue to bless him. I will cook something worth eating today,” she said dancing again. After dinner, Sammy tried to fix an old television in the room. Sarah entered the room, seeing Sammy with the TV. The TV made a loud aching sound, making her cover her ears.

“Please adjust the volume before it destroys my eardrum,” Sarah said leaving the room.

“Just wait for me to finish repairing this television,” Sammy said watching as she leaves the room. The screen soon became clear and the vision better. Hearing the sound of the TV, Sarah entered into the room. Happy to see it working again.

“Well done Sammy now I can listen to the news again,” she said sitting beside him. The news was on.

“After the robbery, the police investigated thoroughly and found jewels in the building. The government has started a program called ‘CURE IT ALL’. Workers will be posted in several locations. The treatments are free for all…” the news anchor read.

“Isn’t this good, the government is trying. Since it is free why don’t we both go for check-ups? She said asking Sammy. After thinking for a while. “We can go tomorrow, I have to go to work,” he said.

“No problem then but what if the program stones soon. I think you should come with me. Opportunity comes but once you know,” she said.

“Sarah quit whining and let me be, you don’t want me to lose this job, do you? He asked.

“Whatever you what then, suit yourself” she responded, shrugging.

Sarah waited in the reception for her turn at the CURE IT ALL program. Several doctors were attending to patients checking blood samples and running tests. From where she was sitting, Sarah listened to a doctor attending to a couple. “Doctor are you sure that there is nothing wrong with my wife? I suspect there might be something wrong with her,” the husband said.

“Hey, what do you mean? Huh, I should be the one saying that. You complain every single time you have the opportunity. They should just keep you here so that there will be peace at home,” the wife retorted.

Ignoring the wife and turning to the doctor, he said, “The prescribed medicines you just gave me will not be enough. My wife will need lots of it soon,” he said.

“You do not need drugs that much,” the doctor said. “You don’t understand doctor, I cannot afford to spend money on drugs” I have better things to use my money on,” the man said but the doctor was interrupting him.

“Really, yet you can give money to your girlfriends huh?” she said shouting.

“Please stop or I will be forced to make you two leave,” the doctor said irritated by the two couple. Sarah smiled watching the two amusing couple. They exited the room still arguing. Sarah next in turn walked into the doctor’s office. Exchanging hellos and welcomes, the doctor gave her some forms to fill and test were carried out on her.

“You are healthy. Everything seems fine, just use the drugs given to you,” the doctor said.

“Have a nice day,” he said.

“Thank you,” she replied leaving the office.


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