During Jason’s out of body experience, he embarked on a journey in his dream. It was on this journey that he met a ghost, identical to him, named Michael. Jason became friends with the ghost in his dream, and the ghost told Jason that if he ever needed anything in life he should make a wish and it would be granted when he woke up. Michael told him that he had three wishes for three nights. He should make each wish in every night for three days.

I used my first wish on the girl of my dreams. There’s this girl at my school, Caroline, and I have a huge crush on her. I love her a lot, but she isn’t interested in me and she also doesn’t notice me.

Jason made his wish.

“I wish that the girl of my dreams notices me and falls in love with me.”

My first wish was gone; all I needed to do was wait and see if the dream of my out of body experience was true or not.

“Wake up Jason.”

I heard an echo of my mom’s voice in my ear. I was very far away from my body. All I could see was the light of the sun penetrating into my eyes when I woke up. Everything became a blur; I felt unconscious.

“Wake up Jason or you’ll be late for school.” Jason’s mother Jane shouted as she opened the windows and curtains. “Wake up!”

I went straight to the bath and headed to school.


Tell us: Do you think Jason’s wish will come true?