We should try to put ourselves in His shoe, which is hard and impossible to some extent, but we should try. Then we will be able to see that our births and lives are there for a reason, the television will not tell you your destiny, not even books. Only when you choose to connect with Him, in a way that brings you a peace of mind and a better understating of what and who He is.
You can then choose your path, because you will surely know that you can do all things, big or small, in color or black and white through and with Him. I know that we are all aware of the story about a man who died and God showed him his life through footsteps on the beach.
He saw moments when they were two sets of footsteps and sometimes one. The man asked Him about the footsteps, and God told him that the reason there is one set of footsteps there is because it was the time He was caring him. So we tend to see that the trait of footsteps was in two sets.
That is why the man was confused when he saw only one set of footsteps out of the blue. This proves that God walks with us always, either we like it or not. So when you view life like him, you tend to make your walk with Him interesting and less confusing to you. When you go to your resting place someday, you will not ask God about the one set of footsteps, you will be reminiscing on the times that God carried you. And to me that is the essence of changing or shifting the way that we see our reality, our past, those around us and ourselves.
In a way we will be like elephants, we will remember what God had done for us, that my friend is a way to be fed with love. To feed the love that we so abundantly have from God to other human beings, we will be blessed when we give love, rather than forcibly take it from other human beings. Everybody has the right to be, because we are human beings. We were created to be whatever we want to be. It is the same as we are allowed to master our own fates.
There is a beautiful song by The Great Women of Gospel called ‘I don’t mind waiting’. In this song the lady cries her soul out telling God that she does not mind waiting on Him, she says that she knows God will come through for her, one way or the other. It is almost as if she too is hitch hiking, she sees all forms of transport pass her by.
Some of her friends get rides, but she stands there waiting for God to come through for her. I think that is exactly what we should do. We should wait for Him to open our eyes, we should wait on Him to teach us and then we will go into the world and transform the lives of millions. I can assure you that I know a lot of things today than what I knew five years ago. The process of learning has helped me a lot in my life.
I remember telling a friend of mine that school was boring and he hit me with a comeback saying “If you did not go to school, you would not be able to read and in essence you would not be able to read the Bible”. From there on I transformed my views of school. I directed my emotions to be happy when I was at school.
With that came a lot of opportunities that I did not know that they were shaping my future. Like the great Negro spiritual, we should love appreciate our journeys whether good or bad, bright or dark. What you are doing now will influence your future. You all know that to get a good, healthy glass of orange juice, you must squeeze the orange to excrete the juice. Sometimes we need to be squeezed so that we can refresh the entire world with our juice. We need to learn.
God sent His son on earth to do something for the whole world and to influence a dozen of men. Hence He was called Rabbi, Teacher. He came here to teach us, He came to squeeze us into juice, lemon or orange, it did not matter.
When you look at the story of the twelve disciples you will learn that they were constantly taught about morals, life and emotions. There is a point when Jesus tells His disciples that he was going to be killed, and one of the twelve rebuked what he said. And Jesus said “Devil get behind me”, which is a bit harsh but it needed to be said.
The disciple had every right to be sad when his master said he was going to be killed; he felt the same thing that you would feel if someone close to you told you that he or she was going to be killed. The one thing though that he did not do before talking and rebuking what Jesus said, he did not really think about it, he did wait, look and think about his words. He just said something. He used a lot of emotions to say something that was not true or that would not be true. No matter what he said, Jesus would have still gone to the cross. That was his purpose on earth, to teach us and to save us.
After He had taught all his disciples, he sent them off. He told them to leave everything earthly, he told them to forget family and follow what He taught them. Some people are afraid to let go of the nest. But I want us to look at great people of history.
Take Nelson Mandela, he had to run away from home to find himself. The funny thing is that he left after he got his education; he got a lot of his education from his elders. Who told them of great stories of courage that the Xhosa people did in the past. After he learnt of all this he knew that he had go practice what he learnt he had to go be a great man in life.
My statement so far is that you should put your emotions where you feel the great part of I AM in you. When you can say I am happy, I am in love, I am friendly and I am a difference maker; this is the point when we can say that you have learnt to be a great.
When you can say that, your bags have been fully packed.
Let’s chat: Do we take life for granted? Have you found your purpose yet?