Bang! you are now there, your bag is packed, you know what you want so you go hitch for a ride.
I have literally hitch hiked in my life, not once but quite a few times. The reality with hitch hiking is that you have to wait for someone to pick you up.
Some cars will be too full, so you won’t be able to get in, others will just pass you by, simply because the driver does not feel like giving you a lift. Some will be too fancy to stop, which is a bit understandable, you can’t pick up a hitch hiker with your Ferrari.
And with all this comes waiting and we get frustrated, angry, and impatient and sometimes give up. This is all because of a PAC-MAN mentality, when we want something; we expect to get it now. We are not like the children of Israel who waited four hundred years to be rescued. In addition to that they walked forty years in the desert to get to where they needed to go, the promise land.
If you know the story you are well aware that not all of them got there. They did not get there because they were not patient. They did not practice love, because if they did they would know that love is patient.
I am not saying that they should have been sheep and simply went there, there would be no character there. They were allowed to be impatient at times, so that they could learn to redirect their emotions once in a while. They constantly had to remind themselves of their dreams.
I am sad can be replaced with I am happy. I am sick can be replaced with I am healthy. If you shift your emotions to what you need your life can go in a way that you never thought it would go. The reason I say thought is because thinking comes with logic, but dreams come with imagination. So your life tends to shift from the fact basis to the dream basis.
I AM is not just a way that we selfishly talk about ourselves; it is a way that we call upon God. God introduced himself as I AM when Moses asked him who he was. The Great I AM is how He put it. So if we are souls going through a human experience how can we become like our maker, how will our shifting of emotions enable us to accept our history and hope in our dreams?
I remember when I was in grade seven my mother, whom I dearly love, suggested that I go to another school. I took a look at the school’s catalogue and I liked it. We applied but I did not get accepted because on my report card. I had a very low mark because I had missed one exam paper because of chicken pox. After that I began to trace my words and thoughts, and I remember saying that “I need to be the head boy”.
Even though I did not know why I needed to fulfill that purpose or spark inside of me, it did happen when I was in grade nine. Another good friend of mine who was the head boy in matric told me that “if you need something bad enough, the whole world will make sure that you get it”. I hope you see my point here; I directed my emotions to what I needed.
It was not a mistake that I was not accepted to the school I wanted to go to, nope! There was a principal involved, I needed something and I got it. I began by directing my emotions.
As small boys we tend to get very naughty, being naughty is not just habit that is planted in us. When a child is naughty it is because of a direction of emotions, they feel happy when they break appliances, make noise etc. I then chose to direct my emotions to being the very best I could be. I found joy in being obedient. I found joy in doing my school work.
The fact of the matter is that I was not perfect, not in my eyes, my mother’s or God’s eyes. I acted out of context at times. I would whine when my mother sent me to the shops, I would go visit a friend and come back home late to find my mother worried and in tears. When I saw this, I had to redirect my emotions. I had to ask myself if I loved what I saw, if happiness was found in making my mother sad and worried.
It was a blessing when I learned that living is another form of worship. I am happy says that you are worshiping the Great I AM with happiness. I am healthy worships the Great I AM with health, in this way we can use our strength to help those who are in need. I know that we cannot always be bubbly; we sometimes become sad we tend to go sick.
Which brings us to faith, whenever I am sad and i declare my happiness what I really saying is that, God I am sad, but in You I am happy and believe you me, you will be happy. Everybody knows that God says He can do everything. He does not compromise His ability; He promises us that He can do all things.
Your view and my view of life is made to be flexible, this is because of our souls. Our souls want to grow. We want to grow, and we want to be fed with something. When you see everything not in the eyes of judgment or hate, it is a better way to feed your soul with love. In this case you can say ‘I am the master of my fate, captain of my soul’ like William Ernest Henley.
The reason that I say you will be the master of your fate is because you will be in tune with the Creator; you will be a “member of the universe” as Oprah puts it. This is because you will communicate with the Creator; His plan for your life is shaped and written in and with love. Nothing, and I mean nothing, that you have done is a surprise to Him.
Tell us what you think: What are your views on what the writer is saying, can we change our surroundings and how we feel by declaring what we want to see and feel?