When I got there, the church was open, and the most shocking and terrifying thing was that the church seemed to have been lit with red candles. My mood began to change because of that first impression. The church was normally used on Sundays. It was used for praising and worshipping God. I was skeptical because it was midnight and the church was still open, with red candles turned on. All of it freaked me out.

But because my friend had called me there I had to go and not miss the surprise. I was standing outside the door, afraid to enter, when I heard a voice calling me, saying that I should come in, that there’s no need to be afraid of anything.

When I entered Sipho was dressed all in black – everything, even his face. I asked him what was going on and where the girls were? He asked me what girls? When he had told me about the surprise he had never mentioned any girls. So then I asked him why there were red candles in God’s church. When I mentioned God, Sipho freaked out and said I must never mention that word again. He told me that God didn’t have authority to any church.

“Grace, the reason I called you here is that I want you to join us,” said Sipho. “Please do it for me, bro.”

“What are you talking about, Sipho?” I enquired. “What is it that you want me to join?”

“I want you to join us,” he repeated. “Don’t you want all those beautiful girls, huh? In bikinis? When you join us you can have them all around the world and you don’t have to struggle and be scared anymore. Here everyone is fearless.”

After he said the word ‘fearless’, two men appeared. They were wearing black jackets and had red dots on their foreheads. One of them was holding a head in his hands. I started to cry because I was scared. I began to shake. It felt like my whole body and my hands were covered in ice.

“It’s your choice, my friend,” said Sipho. “Usually I don’t ask for people’s permission when I want them to join, but you are close to my heart. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. All you have to do is make the right choice.”

“What will happen to me if I don’t join you?” I asked.

“We will kill you and your family, simple. We are ghosts, Grace. We do whatever we like to anyone as long as Lucifer is satisfied with our work.”

After he mentioned that name something told me that I should scream and say: “Oh, my God!”

I then began to scream and said: “Jesus Christ! Fire! Fire!”

“Grace! You can’t burn us all! You think that would stop us from coming to you? Don’t worry, my friend. I have a great deal made for you. You will be forced to join us and next time when we come to you we will be stronger than ever!”

After he said those harsh words he disappeared. I fell unconscious.


What would you do if you were in Grace’s shoes? What decision would you make?