When I woke up the next morning I found out I was wrong because there in the middle of my kitchen was Raj, my so called husband.

“I have decided to do unto the right hand what I do to the left,” he said as if it explained everything.

“So does that mean you are leaving Priya for 4 years to stay with me?” I got over my shock to ask him a question I knew the answer to. It seemed to embarrass him a little.

“I… uh… no, but I will be spending the same amount of time with you that I spend with her. Starting from today I will be living here for a month, then I will spend a month with her,” he said and looked at me as if expecting me to be very happy.

“Well, this is your house as well, so you can stay as long as you want. Just stay out of my way,” then I pushed my work bag towards the door.

“You are not leaving the house, you are to stay home and take care of your husband woman. I took your car keys. All are in my possession and will be given back to you once you start behaving,”

I stopped in my tracks. After thinking for a while I turned to go back inside.

“I am going to work and I will see you at dinner,” he said. “Also, I will leave one of my guards to look after you,” he waited for what he said to register and see my reaction.

“You mean you are leaving him here to keep me prisoner in my own home? How gentlemanly of you,” then I went to my study and went on with my work.

That’s how it was for a while; he would go to work and leave me locked up, well not really locked up but close. I would work and when he came home we ate together and we went to different bedrooms. Then after a month he would go to her and I would go into the office.

He never realized I had not quit my job or my man until 5 months later when I started to get sick, I couldn’t keep anything down. It got so bad that I had no choice but to go to the hospital.

“Congratulations Mr and Mrs Singh, she is 3 months pregnant,” the doctor said with a smile. He apparently couldn’t feel tension that I could cut in half with a half.

“Thank you doctor, if there is nothi…” before he could finish the doctor interrupted him.

“Well, she will need to see the dietitian for a healthy diet, so I have a recommendation for…” before the doctor finished my husband cut in.

“Thanks doctor, but we will find our own if you don’t mind,” then without waiting to hear whether the doctor minded or not he got up and dragged me with him out the door then out the hospital.

Neither of us said anything as we drove to the house. When we got there we found the house keeper cleaning.

“Listen Shriya, I need you to call all the house workers and tell them I gave them a day off,” Raj said much to my surprise.

“Thank you, Sir,” Shriya beamed as she left.

We stood there until all the staff left. The moment the gate closed he slapped me. He slapped me so hard I saw stars. When I was still surprised he hit me again, and again.

“You stupid bitch, I warned you. To actually open your legs for another man when you are married. Were you desperate for sex? Then I will give you what you want!”

He stopped hitting me and started undressing me. I wanted to say something but the pain in my abdomen was so too much I couldn’t even find my voice. Soon the pain doubled when he penetrated me by force. I felt like my soul was leaving my body and I fell unconscious.


Tell us: What do you think will happen next?