Jessica was a teenager who told herself not to fall in love and never to be loved in return, but love has a funny way of creeping up on you. When she was thirteen, she met a guy named Jay. She soon fell in love with him. At that time, she was still new to love and afraid that Jay was cheating on her. She wanted so badly to know the truth.

One day, she finally learned the truth. She discovered that jay was cheating on her when he mistakenly sent her a text from another person’s number. She called that number back and found that the voice on the other side was a girl’s voice. She then left Jay. That was her first heartbreak.

She started to hate Jay, even when he started to ask for forgiveness. She did not forgive him at first, but later she would. At that time, she was with another guy, but decided she would give Jay a second chance. She chose to leave the new guy, breaking his heart, and returning to her first love.

Every time she thought about how Jay had broken her heart she became angry. One day she started thinking about their relationship, and then overthinking it. In the end, she sent him a message telling him that it was over. She did not regret it in the least. She told herself that she wanted to play the field of dating while she was young, so she did.

When Jessica entered Grade 11, she moved to a new city with her mother. When they first moved, her mother was single, but soon found a new job and a new husband. Everything was great. The whole family was happy. Jessica’s mom started working late but Jessica was not always home alone. Her best friends were always at her house, sometimes staying late.

One day, Jessica and her friends were chatting. She told her friend that she was still a virgin and explained that she wanted to lose her virginity to someone with experience.

“Do you want a Sugar Daddy to take your virginity? Because there is no teenage guy that has any knowledge about that stuff. All the boys claim they do, but they really don’t.” her friends said.

After her friend’s left, Jessica discovered that her stepfather had been listening to their conversation from the kitchen. At the time, she did not think anything of it.

One day, when Jessica arrived home, she found her father sitting on the couch. She was alone that day; her friends were not with her.

“Your vest looks nice.” She said to him.

“Thanks,” he answered.

Jessica then went to her room. Once there, her friend called her to tell her that they should meet at the club; her friends had someone they knew on the inside that would let them in. So, she met her friends at the club. Everything was fine until Jessica started to talk with boys, all kind of boys.

Sharon, Jessica’s friend, started to become jealous when the most popular guy in school began to talk to Jessica. Sharon was so angry at Jessica, because she had wanted that guy since Grade 9. Out of vengeance, she called Jessica’s stepfather, telling him that Jessica was drinking and that she was dating older men.

Jessica’s stepfather came to the club to take her home. He was so angry with her that he even threatened to beat her. When they arrived home, he was so upset that he did not allow Jessica to explain anything. He then told her mother about what had happened. When her mother had heard about it, she became so angry. But she controlled her temper and let her daughter explain what had happened.

Jessica explained that she had never dated older men in her life, nor had she ever slept around. For the moment, her mother and stepfather accepted her story, but this was not the end of the trouble Sharon would cause for Jessica.


Tell us: Have you ever badmouthed a friend to get revenge?