That day he went home back to his granny’s and he saw many people outside. Even his other uncles from Witbank and Nelspruit whom he hadn’t seen in a long while were there. He was confused and suspicious. He greeted all of them and went to change clothes, all the while asking himself what was going on.
People kept on coming to his granny’s and some of them were crying.
He overheard them talking about his mother’s name, hospital and death…
“Gogo, how is mom at hospital?” Morris asked softly. Granny looked down for a while and told him to go and play outside. She was talking to Morris, the boy who never let anyone get away with the truth. “Gogo can you please answer me before I go? Please Gogo,” said Morris.
Granny had nothing to do but to tell him the honest truth that his mother died. He was never going to see her alive again. Morris was shattered.
She was laid to rest with dignity. Morris stayed on with his granny and still, his father never came to visit him or supported him financially.
Torus got another girlfriend, a month after he lost his wife. When Morris heard about his dad’s new girlfriend he felt like he could disappear and go to a different place to start a new life.
One day he was going to play soccer at the stadium when he saw his dad kissing the new ugly girl. His father saw him but did not call him to introduce them to each other. But the young man did not care about what his father was doing; he hated him a lot.
The game began. They played and played until Wonder was fouled inside the penalty area. It was given to Morris and he scored a goal. He was so excited to score on the finals. But his father did not celebrate his son’s goal. The whistle was blown and they went to their coach for a pep talk.
Morris turned to look where his father was sitting. He saw his worst enemy, the boy who broke his arm, giggling with Torus and the new ugly girl. The new girl was Akhah’s mother! Morris’ spirits dropped and that ruined the young boy’s match. He was no longer playing a good game.
When the ball came to him near their opponent’s pole, he was supposed to score the winning goal. But he kicked the ball straight to where his father was sitting and it hit the new girl. The coach had to substitute Morris.
“Munez, what was that? Why didn’t you score that goal? Don’t you want to win this trophy? Come on boy you should’ve done better than that,” Morris apologised.
They lost the game to Akhah’s team. Morris cried when he saw his father celebrating with the winning team.
The End
Help our first time writer: How do you think Morris’ life will be as he grows hating his father?