Lelethu was early on her first day at work. She waited by the reception area while the receptionist was busy tidying up a few things in the reception area. While waiting, Lelethu looked around the building, it was beautiful and big, and when Zolile walked in and walked towards her, she rose up.
“Bright and early I see,” Zolile said, giving Lelethu a warm smile.
Lelethu returned the smile. “I like being early. It helps me work smoothly, especially knowing that everything is in order for the day.”
Zolile laughed. “I’m sorry, I’m like that myself. Well then, welcome on board young blood, and enjoy your day.”
“Thank you Sir.”
“Mr Z,” the receptionist said, correcting Lelethu. For a second, Lelethu had forgotten about her, and they just smiled at her and Zolile left them.
Tell us: How well do you think Lelethu is going to do at her new job?