When they got inside there were bouncers at the door. Luckily, they knew Lucas and they allowed them to get inside. One of the bouncers showed Lucas where the owners office was.

“Okay babes, wait here. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Lucas said, walking towards the owner’s office.

The owner of the building was Mr. Owl, the white top dog scumbag.

“Oh Lucas, my brother, you made it! I was waiting for you,” Mr. Owl said.

“Yes, sir. Don’t worry, your most loyal man is here now,” Lucas said, shaking Mr. Owl’s hand.

“So, let’s just get straight to business. Have you brought my package?” Mr. Owl asked.

“Yes sir, your package is right here in the building,” Lucas replied.

“Good job Lucas, because my clients want her immediately. I will call Alex to escort her upstairs,” Mr. Owl said, with his cell phone ready to dial.

“Before you make the call can you first give me my money?” Lucas asked.

“Don’t worry about money, Lucas, you will get it tonight before I go with my packages,” Mr. Owl said.

“Before you go with your package?” Lucas was confused.

“Yes, with my packages. Tonight, I’m flying out with the girls,” Mr. Owl said.

“Where to, sir?” Lucas asked.

“To Kampala,” Mr. Owl explained.

“Kampala, sir?” Lucas asked, still confused.

“Yes to Kampala, where there are many clients and a lot of money,” Mr. Owl replied.

“Sir, Kampala is dangerous country. You can’t go there, especially with girls,” Lucas said.

“Lucas, do you want this money or what?” Mr. Owl asked.

“Yes, of course, sir,” He replied.

“So shut up and do your job,” Mr. Owl said, annoyed.

Mr. Owl made a call to Alex to bring Amanda to his office.

“Ok Lucas, you must lie to your girlfriend by saying there is a job that wants her in Kampala,” Mr Owl said.

Knock. Knock.

“Come inside,” Mr. Owl said.

“Afternoon, sir,” Amanda greeted, confused.

“Oh, afternoon. I’m Mr. Owl, the owner of this place.” Mr. Owl said.

“I’m Amanda, nice to meet you, Mr. Owl,” she said.

“Lucas, when will we be leaving this place? I’m tired of staying in this place,” Amanda said, stressed.

“Don’t worry, babes, we will go, but first there’s something important I want to tell you,” Lucas said with a serious face.

“Okay, shoot it out.” Amanda said.

“Babes, tonight you have to fly out with some other girls to Kampala for a job,” Lucas said.

“To Kampala?” She asked, amazed.

“Yes to Kampala, but don’t worry: I will take care your family,” Lucas promised.

“No problem, my lover boy, I’ll go. So when do I meet the other girls?” Amanda asked.

Alex went to fetch the other girls that will go with Amanda to Kampala. Amanda was so happy to go to Kampala, even though she didn’t know details about the job she was going to do, but she didn’t bother herself by asking.


Tell us: Do you think she should have found out more about the job?