Everybody has a forte, we all have that one thing we naturally excel at whether we know it or not, and Pearl’s forte was being sexy.

Pearl walked up to Pastor Kubeka at the mall when he was out to buy groceries with his kids. She took our son and pretended to be a heartbroken single mother. Her outfit was as innocent as could be; the pastor never saw the temptation coming.

“Well, I bet the pastor’s wife gets all the love she needs. I’ve been alone for so long that even a hug from a man who’s heart is full of love, not lust, would mean everything to me.” Pearl said.

“Throwing yourself at men will only…”

“Nooo, I didn’t mean it like… No… I’m sorry it came out like that, I meant…”

“It’s OK,” Pastor Kubeka said. He invited her to church and told her that God would give her the love she needed. But deep down, the pastor wanted to give Pearl exactly the love she meant.

Pastor Kubeka blamed himself for what Pearl did to him. He thought it was because he was not praying enough anymore, but that wasn’t true. Pearl would have done the same even if he was a hundred percent prayed up. While the pastor was on his way home, I called Amanda and told her to say, “I wish I could go to medical school, the best in South Africa. But I can’t leave the province without my husband and kids, that’d make me a terrible wife,” as soon as her husband got home, and she did.

The pastor called a meeting with the other pastors and told them what he was going through. He also told them what he thought could be the solution. They agreed that it’d be wise to let the wife go study so he could get the time he needed with God.

Amanda really signed up for medical school and was young again. She enjoyed that she could still play preacher’s wife and see her kids on holidays if she wanted to. She said I had given her more than what she wanted.

The customer always gets exactly what they ordered, and sometimes their order involves death. There are many jobs I’ve done where I had to get somebody killed but I hate those. I prefer the simple ones where everybody wins, like the one I did for Amanda Mdlalose, a smart girl that made a smart decision but later regretted it because life’s a bitch.

Two years later, while Amanda was away, her home accidentally caught on fire and Pastor Kubeka and the kids burned to death. Amanda blamed herself and hanged herself.

“It is easier to stay out than get out.” ~ Mark Twain

Now Pastor Kubeka lives in a different country with his kids. He has changed his name; he is no longer a pastor, and he plans to never marry again. That’s exactly what he ordered.
