The doctor went to his laboratory, launched into sounds of discrepant species among wild birds, wild cats, snakes and the big brown bear Rooney turning its head with the alembic as Dr Ferguson walked to the evolutionary machine.

“Don’t worry about him boy, his kind can hold their breath for more than 30minutes,” the doctor said to the roach. “I wonder why I could not think of using insects during my experiments. So much money has been wasted buying you all useless animals from the zoo,” he said as he tossed the roach inside. “People waste valuable time just to look at how you live your pathetic lives.”

Dr Ferguson closed it marginally with its handle, went on to press the small red button in association with data processing machines. The laboratory profuse colours which camouflaged the mentally dazed creatures, the evolutionary machine spawn its distinctive sound as red gas steamed the interior.

“Soon my theory will come to perfection when the Magenta E2x chemical reaction I have invented influences changes to his physique as I predict. This will make me a true legend of the modern biogenetics chemistry!” he said roaring with laughter.

“Little fellow,” he said looking at the roach, “what you are about to witness is the immortal that was bred by mortals for the purpose of unleashing lords from the hounds of hell. I know it may sound crazy but I hate humans too. Not long I will conquer this world. If all goes well, by then you will also remember everything said at this moment and beyond. If all fails then I have to deal with your remains.”

The evil scientist inaugurated his preparations attired in experimental goggles and gloves.

From the distance, anticipation played in his eyes and the animals’ who observed, wondering if this time around all will fall into being. The machine eventually stopped! All lights turned blue with an oven ticking beep.

The evil scientist unfurled the hatch, red gas steamed out as lights turned off. Few seconds later the intoxicated gas dispersed at sight.

“What the hell!!!” he shouted and alarmed flocks outside flew from the trees.


Soffy knocked at the entrance while Aaro was lying upside down as a normal dead roach.


Dr Ferguson went to check. Aaro was actually not dead yet. With a static heart the brain was at its best, flashing back memories he previously had; all the death by humans to his kind, his mother being run over by a shoe, leaving his brother at the door way that had just been closed against his legs as below the sight of stalking spider was creeping in.

He could not forget his last fellow comrade’s demise by human. His first night at the drain afore the evil scientist’s dispute “If all fails, then I have to deal with your remains.”

Suddenly Aaro widened his eyes. The evil scientist finally abandoned his conversation to go deal with the dead roach. Upon his arrival to the evolutionary machine he saw nothing from his frying pan where he last left a small roasted victual in. He went backwards taken by surprise, turned over contriving to go find Aaro. Soffy, at the crossroad, got a phone call.

“Where are you? Could you turn around and heard back to the clinic, something has come up.”

During the call Aaro came out from Soffy’s bag, he could hear the conversation on the phone. Aaro quickly jumped out the window at the nearby robots to run into the neighbouring convertible driven by a man accompanied by a teen. From its wheels Aaro made his way up the vehicle.

At the Dr Ferguson’s household, the doctor was looking for him.

“Soffy, can you check your bag to see if you went out with that Phela I took outside?”

Soffy paused, looked Dr Ferguson with confusion.

“You’re crazy John! I’m not going to join that animal circus you have behind the yard. And start acting crazy by searching for Phela in my bag! And you know what, I quit!”

She left with a bang on the door. The evil scientist went back to his laboratory clutching his insane, untidy head.

“Once again you have all let me down! Now tell me, what must I do with you?”

He nudged his head against each door cage demented.

“What must I do? Ha’ I can’t hear you. You go and rebel me, the only man who saved you from being eaten by birds. The one granting you the supreme lifeblood!”


Tell us what you think: What do you changed with Aaro?