The fortress was gigantic. The castle with a colonnade front spread through several acres. The trio emerged from inside and took a trek north; Aghd Therill travelled with his wings as he relayed the plan repeatedly, so that there wouldn’t be any faux pas.

Mandlenkosi fastened his shoes and stretched his limbs as he limbered up. He took one long last breath as he closed his eyes then exhaled with a smile. He dashed north as he released a sonic wave, accompanied by rising dust, as the friction burned the grass in his path.

Ntiorce Doveira stood at the entrance, looking indecisive as he glared at the ground while his fingers tapped on his chin. He snapped his fingers together and smiled, before his whole body evaporated into purple mist. The mist spiralled into a thin cyclone with a narrow eye, and then altered into a purple metallic serpent; a leviathan. The snake-like creature burrowed into the earth and disappeared inside.

Scourge’s lair was situated at the centre of an escarpment found north of Ntiorce’s castle. It was a forty metre tall rotunda which had an exterior made out of orpiment that illuminated its surroundings. The lair was secured by several behemoths equipped with mythically wrought swords.

The precipice below the lair was their rendezvous. Ruwois Cepuro was the first to arrive as he stretched his legs, which were vibrating with effort. Aghd Therill arrived minutes later as he swooped down from the sky.

“Where is Ntiorce now?” Aghd Therill asked, as he flexed all six of his wings, creating gusts of air.

“He decided to travel underground. He probably has a plan to obliterate all of those evil creatures,” Ruwois said, as he examined the ugly creatures which guarded the rotunda. “Good thing he hasn’t arrived. After drinking his soup, I was able to feel what I felt back on Actual-Earth. I missed being in love with you,” he said as he wrapped his arms around his lover.

The embrace accelerated into a kiss as both recipients felt a surge of passion that took control of their hearts and minds.

Lukhanyiso smiled in utter glee. He pulled back and looked at Mandlenkosi. “What?” Mandla smiled as he looked at him.

“I just had a crazy thought. I need an object to make it happen. You’ll know.” He rested his forehead on Mandla’s. “Soon… you’ll know.”

The earth rumbled as a fissure occurred right next to the duo; Lukhanyiso wrapped his arms around Mandlenkosi before taking off to the skies. With a clear view of their surroundings, they saw a cloud of purple mist which surrounded the rotunda.

The cloud poisoned the behemoths below. Mandlenkosi turned his head and pointed to a faraway speck of light which grew bigger and bigger as it flew towards the escarpment. The diameter of the circular light was seven metres as it stopped moving fifty metres away from the escarpment.

Then… two megalosaurs galloped out of the light. Behind them was a pale-cream chariot which transported a three metre tall woman who was draped in a cream silky cloth. Her facial features were similar to Ntiorce, but her complexion was lighter than his. Her blonde hair was fashioned in a traditional chignon, revealing her flawless face and cream eyes. On her forehead rested an octahedron-shaped gem, but it was coloured cream.

Two Irish elks galloped towards the two men before the purple mist converged above the rotunda and morphed into Ntiorce. He crossed his arms and glared at the woman who now really looked like him. “What are you doing here, Peoreu Ntiorce Doviera?” he asked as he hovered towards her. “I’m surprised you didn’t bring Saia. She is always right by your side.”

“Arafci, I’m here to check up on you. Can’t one of your septuplet siblings drop by?” she asked after snapping her fingers, instructing her Irish elks into the circle of light before levitating from the chariot. “Oh my, when was the last time we were all in one place at the same time?” she asked, as she gave her brother a hug.

“175 million years ago,” he answered as he pulled out of the hug. “What are you really doing here?”

“Oh Arafci… you always knew when I was lying. Look I was bored, and when I heard that your home was invaded by an evil creature, I had to come and see it. There’s no action up in the north. I’m super bored up there!” she revealed as she looked at the two lovers. “Oh my Pangea! Is that an angel?! I haven’t seen them since forever. Why is this one shorter though? He’s a half-breed right?”

Arafci gave her a deadly stare as she revealed too much information. “I always have to clean up your messes! No more of this. I’ll tell you all about it when they’re gone,” Arafci said as he hovered towards Lukhanyiso and released a purple fume to both of them. “You won’t remember this.” Both lovers nodded as the purple fume disappeared. “This is my nosey sister.”

They both snapped out of a hypnotic trance and nodded as Mandlenkosi waved and Lukhanyiso forced a smile. “My wings are tailored for my weight, we need to land,” he said as he flew down and gently placed Mandlenkosi down too.

“Oh Pangea. One more person added to the mix… great.” Arafci said with a sarcastic tone as both men descended. “I feel like this could’ve been done way sooner if you hadn’t shown up.”

The sister smirked and plucked Arafci’s hair strand and rubbed it to her head. “Oh, so that’s why you need the hal— the angel. He’s the only one that can remove Scourge. He has a surprisingly pure grace,” she said as they climbed up the escarpment and stood at the entrance of the rotunda.

Three smilodons rested, but awoke from their slumber as soon as the four stepped on the stoep. “I wonder if Thuos-Miareac and Thron-Miareac know that one of their creatures was purloined by this creature,” Peoreu said as she stood in front of Arafci. She released a beam of light which tangled the three smilodons. “I’m sending them to Thuos-Miareac,” she said before the beam of light grew stronger and blinded the four until it disappeared. “Done.” She smiled to herself.

“Show-off!” Arafci sneered.

The exterior of the building hypnotized Lukhanyiso and he held up his finger to touch the orpiment. Mandlenkosi pulled his hand back as he stood in front of him. “It’s dangerous. Let’s go in. Your father needs us,” he reminded Lukhanyiso, who snapped out of the trance he was in.

Arafci took out his black gloves from God knows where and opened the doors which were wrought out of cinnabar.

The interior was veneered with cinnabar too and it radiated a scarlet light that gave out a warning signal. There were stairs that led to the attic and stairs that descended to the basement.

Arafci beckoned them to follow him in, and the doors closed behind them. “Okay. We’ll have to seal the void of Hell in the basement and then put an end to the Scourge. He is in the attic.” He disclosed his newly-found information.

Everyone nodded and walked down to the basement. A wall made out of cinnabar stood in their way after the flight of stairs ended three floors down. Arafci fixed his gloves and clenched his left fist as he motioned everyone to retreat; he sent his gloved fist into the highest point of the rock and brought it down. The cinnabar wall crumbled and it created a tremble inside the lair as it fell. A new threat awoke as a familiar roar emanated from deep inside the basement.

“Of course!” Ntiorce exclaimed as he created an opening for him and his sister. Lukhanyiso trailed behind Arafci, followed by Mandlenkosi.

“Isn’t that a dragon? What are dragons doing in Africa?!” she asked as she followed behind.

“We do have dragons in Africa, Peoreu,” Arafci replied as he walked over to the dragon. “Rhamncwa! How did this happen to you?”

Rhamncwa snarled as it bared its teeth and coiled its slender neck back. The brown scales on its face underwent an alteration as red scales replaced the face and neck. The rest of the body remained brown though. After inhaling deeply, it released scorching black fire. The purple colour was dethroned by a sea-blue colour on Arafci’s silk cloth. The fire disappeared the second it touched the cloth. The power of the fire was ineffective; the red head stopped breathing fire and underwent a swift transformation as the colour changed to yellow. Then it opened its mouth and released an electrical energy.

Peoreu’s cloth changed from cream to an earth-brown instantly and she altered her physical form and shielded her brother. “Electricity attacks have no effect on the earth,” she smiled and released a powerful punch that sent the dragon staggering. “You didn’t think I was going to allow you to have fun while I watched?” she asked her brother before charging forward.

“Lukhanyiso, you know what to do. Permanently close the void. We can’t risk this!” Arafci said, before joining in the assault.

The two men ran towards a circle shaped frame; inside it was a murky void with a fiery red opening that grew in the middle. Lukhanyiso remembered that his part was to remove the opening gate and destroy the void. Mandlenkosi stood behind him as he took out two daggers from their scabbards on his belt. He heard footsteps from upstairs with his enhanced hearing and readied himself.


Tell us: Do you think the team will win?