Well, the men and women in town both wore crop-tops, trousers and open hoodless cloaks. We weren’t done studying the town when I felt a spear poke me behind my neck.
“Tiffany, watch out!” Mia screamed but it was too late, as quick as a flash, we were surrounded by six warrior men.

“Imposters!” one of them yelled.

“What shall we do with them?” another asked.

“We will take them to Queen Ruana. She’ll know what to do with them,” the other replied. At that point I was willing to be anywhere but not there.

Mia and I were both grabbed and taken to the so-called ‘Queen Ruana’. The journey was long and tiresome. We were sweaty when we arrived. We walked into what seemed to be a throne room and it was beautiful. Each side of the wall was decorated with pictures of men and women dressed in crop-tops going around their daily business. Mia was just as awe stricken as I was. The roof was decorated with animal skins.

I looked forward and I saw a beautiful purple-eyed woman. I was surprised to see that colour especially amongst human beings. She was sitting on a throne with a crown upon her head. She like everyone else there, was dressed in a crop-top and everything else mentioned before, only her outfit was much more beautiful and regal – fit for royalty.

The both of us were thrown on to the floor and left before the feet of “her majesty” the queen. Mia then smiled, one of those impish smiles, winked at me and whispered, “Follow my lead.” I was befuddled but I played along. Suddenly our secret conversation was interrupted.

“You there, who are you and what do you want in my kingdom?” Queen Ruana asked. Her voice was very commanding.

I then stood up and said, “I am Tiffany and this is my friend Mia. We just happened to be walking and we were lost and then your men brought us here.”

“Really? And you, Mia, what do you have to say for yourselves?” she said, turning her head to Mia.

“We are three powerful witches, from far beyond time. Our third sister is here with us, ever present but undetected,” Mia said.

“Oh really, do you think I’m an idiot? Guards seize them and take them to the executioner,” she said. And two sturdy built men both grabbed us by our arms and took us up on the tippy-top of a tower. There was a hooded man standing next to a flat board, he was holding a huge axe in his hands.

Suddenly, people started gathering in numbers. And within seconds the whole place was filled with multitudes of people. Then Queen Ruana arrived.

“My beloved Croptopians, today we will have the pleasure of beholding an execution of two imposters. For whoever steps in our land uninvited and without proper reason will be executed!” she announced. And there was loud cheering among the people.

I felt a huge lump in my throat and I began to whisper-argue with Mia.

“See Mia, your whole follow-my-lead plan has bought us death. I mean, I’m not even done with high school yet and I’m going to die! You really have messed this up Mia,” I whispered.

“How is this even my fault? I just thought that queenie over there would be dumb. Everything here looks so old and ancient, that’s why I came up with the – ah,” she whispered. Then a door underneath us opened and we both fell into a huge sack. I was glad we were saved but I was also scared we’d be taken somewhere scarier than the palace. Inside the sack I apologised to Mia for being a prick. I should have thanked her for making an effort to save the both of us but instead I was hauling her over the coals.


Tell us: What do you think just happened to the best friends?