your English teacher
probably rebuked you
for using the word got

as would my mom
English teacher-activist
she of the old non-racial sort
and a Lennonist to boot

You’ve got (a friend)
right down here
on the ground
in the city that is
not yet for all

Friends of Central Library
– FOCAL if you are
into acronyms and the like

advocates for the library
for libraries and books
and reading and all that jazz

You’ve got a friend
when you’re down
and troubled and you
need some loving care

though I am only there
(armed with my scrabble board)
once a month for the Poetry Circle
which has been a nurturing platform
for many a young poet poetess

they have a Book Room too
which I have raided often
for Nancy Drews (I kid you not)
and National Geographics

You’ve got a friend
and when you have friends
you don’t need to
worry about a thing

You’ve got a friend
in Friends of Central Library

(Penned for a friendly, who asked; with a few oldish ditties in mind as you can tell!)