Like butterflies in my tummy
You moved, swerved, tickled
And touched my heart with life
Full of love and life, all hues of colour
Bursting with whimsical sensations
“Surprise!” A baby shower for a boy
What a surprise: “A GIRL!”

And here you are
Bouncy, wide eyed with pointy ears
All fears and tears have resurfaced
For you are carefree, not shy
Wonderfully made, with warm smiles
And today I remember that very first cry
That thundering sound, awakening me
To your arrival, here You are
You have arrived

Banging cupboard doors
Pulling brooms and dust pans
Singing your own song
Sounds of laughter and screams
Soft hands and skin
Coiled and rolled up strands of hair
Grabbing, sucking, biting, clinging
Splashing. Connecting all the dots

All sorts of things I feel now
One stands out is that I am glad
You are here now
When your eyes close,
Calm and silence quietens the day
It becomes a lonesome day
When my butterfly rests her wings
A colourless moment it is
Then Whoops! Weeeeh-heeh-he!
Napping all done, all up to cheer!