Without you
I feel lost in an unknown land,
Without you I have become completely blind
Your absence took me to a strange place,
There is no life here all I see is space.
I feel like a stranger filled with anger
In this hostile land surrounded by danger
Where am I! This place is strange.

Sadness, heartaches, pains, cries,
Emptiness is the ruler of this world
Citizens of this land are all victims of lost soul mates,
Some landed here accidentally,
But some were brought by deliberately
Brutality of living souls
Yes a world where loneliness is daily bread,
A world where desperate single people belong!

I never imagined myself alone,
Without you all our future plans are gone
They destroyed all that we’ve shared
With you I felt warmth, loved and secured
Now that you are gone
I am new in a strange place,
A new world I have dreamt of not in life.
Yes without you I am lonely in this strange place