He left home with these words and promises
“Itshayile kusasa ndiphinda emsebenzini”
Meaning I’m going back to work tomorrow.
His promises were, “When I come back I’ll bring you
Sweets and toys to play with”
That was the last time talking to him face-to-face.

If only I knew you were lying, you’d never come back
I would have followed you maybe.
All I ever wanted was to stay with you forever
All I heard after that was you being in hospital
As young as I was I didn’t know what to do,
I just believed in your God whom you used to tell us about.

You being sick, meant that “alikho ibhoto eliya eziko”
Poverty was written all over our faces but we kept hoping
“He will come back and everything will be normal”
Time went by, the situation got worse
The next thing you were no more
Do you know what that meant for us?
From home he said I’m going to work I’ll come back, he never did
From work he said I’m going to hospital he never came back
Who took my father?
Can someone answer me?

Each time when it’s Easter, or Christmas
We would be happy knowing we have you
But you being gone for good, ripped us of our happiness.
Death why?
Why my father?
Why our hope?
Why our strength?
Why our breadwinner?
He may be gone but not forgotten
He may be dead but his works never die.

I always wish that one day you could just come enter the door
And say, “My death was fake”
Which one to hate, mine or hospital
Tears of sadness were our supper
Miserable started to be our names
Depression welcomed us with warm hands
We matured early because life taught us the hard way.
Death die please
No more pain