The question is set
No answer remains
Drugs and alcohol conquer the world
Where are the youth of tomorrow?

Sadness and sorrows make us strong
Hurting and killing destroys nature
People are hunted like animals by the youth
No more schools
Gangsters are now teachers

No one remembers Hector Pieterson, Sidwell Makhuba
No one remembers the killing of them
Beers, booze, breaks the world
Where are the youth of tomorrow?

This question is asked
But no answers are found, only the killing
Nyaope the addictive drug
Destroys the world

Only Eichies by Eishies
The killer of mankind
The killer of our humanity
Where are the youth of tomorrow?

Some are dead while they are still walking
Some are already dead, but not remembered
Life is so patient, so beautiful
No education but death arises in our youth

Poison, sex, committing suicide, defines our youth
You will never find them in a play, or in a game
But they will play you like a simple game
Where are the youth of tomorrow?

This question has no answer
No future for Tomorrow
Only winners are disciplined
Me and You
No one can answer it
Not even me.