What a woman?
A woman who can stand in every situation
A woman who knows how to be a woman
A woman who is rare to find
You can go around the world, you can travel along from Cape to Cairo
You will never see someone like her

She’s unique, different, strong and brave
What a woman?

A woman who can go to sleep on an empty stomach but not her children
A woman who managed to carry you for nine months
A woman who felt all the pains while giving birth to you
A woman who did it all in order to make you what you are today
A woman who doesn’t spend a second without thinking about her children
A woman who can divide small things enough to share with her children
A woman who is rare to find
A woman who can tell what is good and bad
A woman who is proud of her children no matter how they look
A woman who doesn’t abandon her children even if they have abandoned her
A woman who always prays for her children
A woman who knows her children
A woman who can comfort her children in every situation of life
What a woman?

What a woman?
A woman who can hear her child crying a thousand miles from her
A woman who can’t forget her children’s birth date
A woman who knows what’s good and bad in life
A woman who guides her children like a shepherd
A woman I compare with Jesus Christ
A woman who can choose her own children out of millions
That’s my mom, your mom, her mom, his mom
No matter how she is, she will always be in my heart
“I love you, Mama, I’ll do anything for you”