We are not the same we are a million colours
I am black, you are white,
We both are an image of God.
Why segregate each other by the colour of their skin?

We are not the same we are a million colours,
Perhaps we could be brothers instead?
You can show me your expensive toys
I’ll show you my home-made toys
And maybe you will understand that our toys my difference
But the feeling after playing is mutual.

You could teach me your mother tongue
I’ll teach you mine,
And maybe you’ll understand just why I’ll never
Speak your language fluently
We are not the same
We are a million colours
Welcome me into your home
You’ll see I’m not thief
I’ll welcome you into my home
And maybe my family will have a different perspective
Of your own kind.

Show me you luxurious life
I’ll share my ghetto life with you
And maybe you’ll respect me then
Respect who
I am, and how I got here
We are not the same
We are a million colours

Make me your friend
I’ll make you my best friend
And maybe you will never fear my kind
Nor judge them
We are not the same we are a million colours
Invite me to a white wedding,
I’ll invite you into my village and maybe you will
See just how my people are supportive of each other
Through good and bad times

We both might learn a thing or two
We are not the same
We are a million colours
Maybe we could fall in love and have children,
Our children will have both the colours of our skin
And maybe we might conquer xenophobia
And racism
But we are not the same

You hate me with passion,
I have a deeper regard for you
The damage cause by us hating each other
Brings a heartache
We have forgotten why we hate each other
Yet we still hate
But we are a million colours maybe we need to understand that first.

Let us try loving each other,
Since hating is not working out for the both of us
Forget the past, learn to forgive
Live like humans for once
And maybe both you and i will be
A true reflection of –
Our national flag
Our national anthem
We are not the same
We are a million colours
In god’s eyes we are the same
