I knew the second I met you
There was something special and more precious about you
I love you because I was ready
I whispered that to myself and I know you will never hear it
I love you without limits

I got lost somewhere in your heart
I ended up loving your flaws
I think about you, but I don’t say much
Though you were not here to stay but I will let you be in my dreams.
Because I have realized you are no longer coming back

I don’t get mad anymore
Because I had to let you go, it was the right time and for the best.
We loved each other, just never at the same time
And now we don’t talk anymore.
You slipped through my fingers like water

It was just the best feeling ever
It was just you I love
And I am happy the universe allowed your soul to stop by.
I have to let go of what was!
We are lost souls, aren’t we?