At the crack of the dawn,
She rose in a red gown
from the stars glittering she walked down,
with a scent of a glamorous dawn,
then my mind got blown,

her name is Rose,
from the city of Melrose,
her scent was well swallowed in my nose,
she posed an explicit pose,
my heart came to a pause,
the look was overdose,
I wished I could have her close,

I wondered what’s the occasion?
to my view she became obstruction,
to my mind she caused destruction,
I wanted to look away my eyes said objection,

like a ghost she whispered in my ears,
she said violets are blue
I said roses are red,
she said so it is my heart

like a creamy sweet chocolate,
my heart melted with creams of love,
I untangled my tie,
I said you are my valentine