Let me tell you
About the tragedy of love,
The tragedy of love
That happened to the elders
And it also happened to me.

One day I went to a certain village
Looking for a woman,
A woman who could be
The mother of my children.

Eventually I found
A woman who I had been looking for,
Her beauty was shining
Like a diamond in the sky,
When she walked,
She walked like a model,
Her smile was like that of a queen
And she treated me like a king,
I was the happiest man in the world
Until we got married.

When the sun rose
She told me about Joseph,
When the sun set
She told me about Jackson,
Who are these guys?
These are the guys she was dating,
I found myself
Going in and out of hospital
Due to the stress and heartattacks
She caused me.

I tried to hang myself under the tree,
But the tree got torn apart,
I tried to drink poison,
But it just caused me diarrhoea,
I tried to throw myself under the bridge
But I was a coward,
That’s the tragedy of love
That has happened to the elders
And it also happened to me.