I passed through scary forests scared
I walked through hot deserts thirsty
I swam through stormy seas bleeding
I dug deeper into Earth’s surface weak
I am tired of looking for myself

I am tired from everything
I’m tired of living in a shoe box
Hiding from the pain
Not wanting to be destroyed by the pain
I’m tired of living a lie

I’m a tired of fake friends
The fake smiles I show
Are killer smiles
The tears I cry
Could fill a huge tank

I’m tired of doing bad things
Not to mention my bad life
I’m tired of waiting for the good
I no more believe in changes
When will the good come

Am I suitable for living a bad life?
I’m no more strong to face pains
Will I overcome obstacles?
I’m tired of being the dull star
When I shine?

I’m tired of believing in nothing
When will the impossible become possible?
I’m tired of sleeping but not dreaming
Who’s going to dream for me?
I’m tired of being tired

I’m tired of letting my mistakes define me
What is the purpose of my name?
I’m tired of throwing in towels
Where’s the potential in me?
I’m tired of not trusting my heart

I’m tired of giving up
So tired of stopping my long journey
I’m tired of fighting unworthy wars
I’m tired of falling
So tired of crying myself to sleep

When will I be myself again?
I want to show how bright can I shine
I want to live an active life
I want to use the power to be
The star I’m meant to be