I can’t remember clearly,
Would you mind getting me
A cup of tea
My headache is killing me
Make it strong
Oh shit … this tea is wrong

He threw it in her face.

What’s the use of having you in this place?
I shouldn’t have kept you in the first place
Get out of my face
I need some space.

(All she could ask was,
What have I done wrong to this man?)

Everything you touch becomes wrong
You can’t make a cup of tea strong

He punches her till she falls on the ground…
He leaves her lying helpless with her wounds crying loud
Till the next day

(Ask me where I was at that time)

In my mother’s arms so wet
With her blood and tears

Oh here it comes another round
Should I or my mother fear?
About what’s gonna happen next?
When he comes back…

These are the words
He would say,
Baby, I’m sorry
It was not my intention
I didn’t mean to hurt you,
Believe me…
Baby…I love you,
I would never do anything stupid to hurt you.
‎Are you injured so bad?
‎let me take you to bed.
Thing is … I just lost my mind
Got out of control
Baby I was drunk
What happened?
Did I do this to you?
Did I hit you ?
What happened to your eye?
Here… put some ice on it
Are those scars too bad on your face?
I’m sorry
Baby would you mind keeping this from
Our families
If you do tell we will be the laughter of our enemies
Plz don’t tell your brother
Don’t tell the truth to Ace!!
Make up …Make up a story
Convince him
Say you fell on the stairs
Plz do it for our kids
Plz promise
If you tell Ace he will kill me
Tell you to leave me!
I don’t wanna lose you
Plz promise me
I will never drink ever again
I ‎will never put ma-hands on you again.

Those are the exact words
‎he used to say
‎Beg my mom to stay
‎He would even pay
‎I thought it was just a play
‎Anyway I was a kid
‎I didn’t know much

I put the blame on him
‎Now that I’m a bully
‎Want to be right
Even if I’m wrong
‎I put the blame on him
Now that I see nothing wrong in
‎beating women.

‎You ruined my life father
‎but I don’t see that going further.
‎I want to be the good son
‎my mama raised.
