It all started like a game.
It all started like a joke.
To me, to you, and to them.
They told us to stay at home,
But we giggled because we thought they were crazy,
Because we told ourselves that they were crazy.
Ohw, I know my people, it is a difficult time indeed, but this too shall pass!

They first spoke of China,
And we prayed, prayed and prayed for them.
People died in thousands but some of us did not mind the situation.
And once upon a day,
A person was tested and reported to have the virus.
Ohw coronavirus I repeat my people.
Kwaqala kwatatazela amadoda namadodakazi,
And we were told to stay at home in order to stop the spread of the virus.
Ohw, my people, I urge you today to continue staying at home,
As I believe that this too shall pass!
We saw the hard work of our own government,
I speak of our president,
The ministers,
The health workers and everyone at large.
We saw UBUNTU.
Ohw my people, I wish to ask you to remain patient.
If you do that, together we will overcome this pandemic.
This too shall pass!